Flex Manager
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Business Development, Business Unit manager

Business Development, Business Unit manager

Work Experience

A. Project manager in Berlin region:
1) Set-up sales organization in Berlin (Germany) for Dutch company producing pre-fabricated houses
2) Project planning for major infrastructure project (construction) in eastern part of Berlin

B) Employment European Headquarter of Alcoa
1) Accountmanager Europe for engineering software
2) Restructuring operations in Germany and The Netherlands
3) Building sales organization in Europe for US supplier fo automotive components
4) Lead pan-European IT projects like Y2K and European Interface Project, E-business project

C. Self employed:
1) Account manager Benelux for German Manufacturer of PV Modules
2) Acquisition project with major customer in Japan
3) Feasibility study for supermarket chain in Kenya
4) Set-up of sales organization in Namibia
5) Senior Expert for PUM Marocco
6) Feasibility study for municipality on application of Solar Energy
7) Developed PV projects in the Netherlands
8) Consultant for quality control of PV projects


Koninklijk Atheneum Tervuren (Belgium)
University Master in Business Administration Aachen (Germany)


Develop markets en customers
Sales with international key accounts
Restructuring operations
Project management
Solar energy


Dutch, German, English, French


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